Luzes. Cinco entrevistas com Bruno Latour

(PII) 1992
Luzes. Cinco entrevistas com Bruno Latour

Date: 1999
Publisher: Unimarco editoria, Sao Paolo
Translator(s): anon.
Language: Portuguese


Although elected to the prestigious French Academy in 1990, Michel Serres has long been considered a maverick--a provocative thinker whose prolific writings on culture, science and philosophy have often baffled more than they have enlightened. In these five lively interviews with sociologist Bruno Latour, this increasingly important cultural figure sheds light on the ideas that inspire his highly original, challenging, and transdisciplinary essays.

Original Title

Eclaircissements. Cinq entretiens avec Bruno Latour

Date: 1992 [By Michel Serres with Bruno Latour. 1993: Flammarion, collection de poche, Champs]
Publisher: Editions François Bourin, Paris
Language: French

Autre traductions

Conversations on Science, Culture and Time

Date: 1995 [by Michel Serres with Bruno Latour]
Publisher: The University of Michigan Press
Translator(s): Roxanne Lapidus
Language: English