Make it Work - COP 21st (program in French but negotiation is in English)

Posted: March 20, 2015

In the simulation of the COP21 Climate conference organized by the students of Sciences Po and other universities, the key innovation to break the deadlock of nation states trying to negotiate CO2 emission instead of the causes is to modify the list of parties. This is what has been done. Now, the key exciting moment is to see how students will become able to represent those cross cutting entities against the self interest of nation-states.
You might be interested to participate or to send one of your friends to the alternative simulation of the COP21 on Climate that we are organizing in a theater in Paris the last week of May 2015. 200 students from several universities and research centres will try to invent an alternative way to represent not only nations states (as in the UN model) but also non-national and non-human entities. The idea is that this simulation is one of the only way to test alternative ways to unblock the climate negotiation which is stuck on the 2°, CO2, emission only, nation states only format, what Aykut and Dahan in their very important book Gouverner le climat? 2015 call the "climatic regime".