The Prince for Machines as well as for Machinations

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In Brian Elliott (editor) Technology and Social Change, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 20-43 [Republication in Ketit Grint (editor) Reader on Leadership, Oxford University Press, 1996, pp.?]


A politics for the control of technology is discussed in reference to Machiavel's book; the impossibility of a clearcut distinction beween social context and technical content is pushed to its limit: a redefinition of politics as the well being of assemblies of humans and non-humans.


1987: Hollondais / Dutch
« Doe 'de heerser' te schrijven voor zowel machinaties als machines » Krisis Vol.7 n°1 Mars 1987 pp.42-66

1989: Italien / Italian
« The Prince” of machines » RISESST Numéro 0 pp.1-19

1990: Français / French
« Le Prince: machines et machinations » in Le Futur Antérieur N°3 pp. 35-62 [Reprint of the French translation in Sociologie de la traduction. Textes fondateurs, Presses de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris, 2006 (with Madeleine Akrich and Michel Callon), pp.87-108]

2004: Russe / Russian